
Die Suche ergab 1133 Treffer

Re: Pinboard

Heute Abend, 19 Uhr: Freies Schamanismus-Webinar mit Sandra Ingerman: During this powerful 60-minute online event, you’ll discover: + Miraculous stories of shamanic work to help you understand your place in the Web of Life and what you can experience whe...

Re: Dokumentationen

Die Bücher vom Karl-Heinz Brisch würde ich auch mal lesen. Allerdings sind die alle um die 40 EUR. Bindung und Sucht gibts auch von ihm ... Lohnen sich, sind sehr studien-/forschungslastig IMO. Ich hab "Bindungsstörungen" und "Bindung und emotionale Gewalt". So viel zu lesen, so...

Re: Dokumentationen

Ganz hervorragende Sendung gestern bei scobel, v.a. auch die Diskussionsrunde zwischendurch, sehr gute Besetzung. Seitdem recherchiere ich zu Karl Heinz Brisch. Sein neues Buch Bindung und emotionale Gewalt steht ganz oben auf meiner Liste. scobel: Psychische Gewalt Woran man psychische Gewalt erken...

In narrative therapy, Māori creation stories are being used to heal

In narrative therapy, Māori creation stories are being used to heal The boy sits there, his head down. He feels stink; he knows all the adults are there to talk about him, about what's wrong with him. He's always been told off for being so fidgety, for not paying attention. He knows it's a bad thin...

The Mother Wound as a Missing Link to Understanding Misogyny

The Mother Wound as a Missing Link to Understanding Misogyny By Bethany Webster on Friday January 19th, 2018 What's Going on with Men? With this massive wave of brave women coming forward with disclosures of sexual harassment across many industries, many of us, men and women alike, are grappling wi...

Re: Dokumentationen

"A quest for meaning" noch bis 31.1. frei anzusehen: beeilen! Inspirierend, positiv, optimistisch. :freu: "A Quest for Meaning is an inspiring journey that connects personal growth and social change. Produced and distributed wit...

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