kenne auch eine, die ihre kinder nicht in die schule schickt - und ich kann es bei diesem beschissenen schulsystem auch komplett verstehen.
(schnell)lesen, schreiben und lerntechniken würde ich meinen kindern beibringen und dann genügend literatur zur verfügung stellen, wenn sie sich mit was beschäftigen wollen. das funktioniert garantiert besser, als das zwangs-system.
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
32Scheiss Schulsystem, dann zeig mir mal ein Land wo es besser ist (abgesehen von Skandinavien vllt. ).
In Ostasien stehen die Kinder mitunter unter so einem Druck, dass es vollkommen normal ist nach der normalen Schulzeit am Nachmittag nochmal fuer 5-6 Stunden in eine sogenannte Cram-School zu gehen, wo man stumpf Auswendiglernen muss. Der Druck ist so hoch, dass man spaeter im Berufsleben kaum eine Chance hat, weil die Abschlussnoten sehr davon abhaengen, ob und was fuer eine Cram-School man besucht hat. In Suedasien ist es noch schlimmer, da gibt es in der Regel nicht einmal ausreichend Schulbildung. In meinen Augen sind wir mehr als blessed, dass wir mit dem entspannten deutschen System aufgewachsen sind. Es geht sicherlich irgendwie auch besser, als ich denke mal dass 90% vom Rest der Bevoelkerung unter einem schlimmeren Bildungssystem leiden als wir. Zudem haben die deutschen Unis neben den amerikanischen einen so guten Ruf, dass jeder Asiate, egal ob Russe, Chinese, Koreaner, Iraner oder wer auch immer, am liebsten dort studieren moechte.
In Ostasien stehen die Kinder mitunter unter so einem Druck, dass es vollkommen normal ist nach der normalen Schulzeit am Nachmittag nochmal fuer 5-6 Stunden in eine sogenannte Cram-School zu gehen, wo man stumpf Auswendiglernen muss. Der Druck ist so hoch, dass man spaeter im Berufsleben kaum eine Chance hat, weil die Abschlussnoten sehr davon abhaengen, ob und was fuer eine Cram-School man besucht hat. In Suedasien ist es noch schlimmer, da gibt es in der Regel nicht einmal ausreichend Schulbildung. In meinen Augen sind wir mehr als blessed, dass wir mit dem entspannten deutschen System aufgewachsen sind. Es geht sicherlich irgendwie auch besser, als ich denke mal dass 90% vom Rest der Bevoelkerung unter einem schlimmeren Bildungssystem leiden als wir. Zudem haben die deutschen Unis neben den amerikanischen einen so guten Ruf, dass jeder Asiate, egal ob Russe, Chinese, Koreaner, Iraner oder wer auch immer, am liebsten dort studieren moechte.
"if we are able to give priority to the meditation then all else will eventually fall into place on its own accord"
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
33ja ok, es geht noch schlimmer, ist klar.
aber wenn es darum gehen würde das bestmögliche aus dem menschlichen geist & gehirn heraus zu bekommen, ist das hier auch noch total jämmerlich.. aller unterster kante. ich kann das deshalb auch relativ gesehen nicht gut finden
warum gibt es bspw. kein schulfach, indem man lernt, wie man lernt? wie dumm ist das eigentlich?
aber wenn es darum gehen würde das bestmögliche aus dem menschlichen geist & gehirn heraus zu bekommen, ist das hier auch noch total jämmerlich.. aller unterster kante. ich kann das deshalb auch relativ gesehen nicht gut finden
warum gibt es bspw. kein schulfach, indem man lernt, wie man lernt? wie dumm ist das eigentlich?
Don't worry, nothing is under control.
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
34Das gab es bei mir in der Mittelstufe in der 5. und 6. Klasse. Nannte sich 'Lernen lernen'.raterz hat geschrieben:warum gibt es bspw. kein schulfach, indem man lernt, wie man lernt? wie dumm ist das eigentlich?
Naja ganz so arg ist es dann doch nicht, da die Schule ja kaum hinderlich ist - man bringt es eben hinter sich und verfährt danach, wie es einem passt. Einigermaßen zweckerfüllend ist sie ja schon. Sie vermittelt eben Grundwissen. Schwierig wird es in meinen Augen an dem Punkt, an dem die Schule Zwang ausübt. Als hätte es irgendeinen Nutzen, Menschen, die überhaupt kein Interesse an Bildung haben, in den Unterricht zu schleifen. Das ist absolute Geldverschwendung. Leider verleitet sie die Leute auch oft dazu, Bildung aus einem völlig falschen Blickwinkel zu betrachten. Nach dem Motto ,,man braucht das halt und einen Abschluss zu bekommen, danach kann ich den Scheiß eh wieder vergessen". Obwohl es ja die ganze Zeit nur darum geht, zu lernen, wie man sich Wissen aneignet. Nur das tuen eben viele nicht.raterz hat geschrieben: aller unterster kante.
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
35Nl-Schulsystem ist auch nicht schlecht: ... ederlanden
Zumindest das Grundschulsystem in DE find ich schlecht, keine verbindlichen Zeiten..fällt ein Lehrer aus, werden die Kids nach Hause geschickt. Spätestens Mittags ist Ende, dann nach Hause, was ein Problem für berufstätige Eltern werden kann, für alleinerziehende ne Katastrophe, etc., und dann alleine Hausaufgaben machen.. der Nachhilfemarkt in DE brummt, von wegen chancengleichheit für die Kinder.. NL-System war schon immer so wie im Link oben..incl. Mittagsessen - was in DE noch immer eine nicht erfüllte Forderung der Linken ist. In DE geht die Bandbreite der Qualität je nach Region/Stadtteil extrem auseinander.
Zumindest das Grundschulsystem in DE find ich schlecht, keine verbindlichen Zeiten..fällt ein Lehrer aus, werden die Kids nach Hause geschickt. Spätestens Mittags ist Ende, dann nach Hause, was ein Problem für berufstätige Eltern werden kann, für alleinerziehende ne Katastrophe, etc., und dann alleine Hausaufgaben machen.. der Nachhilfemarkt in DE brummt, von wegen chancengleichheit für die Kinder.. NL-System war schon immer so wie im Link oben..incl. Mittagsessen - was in DE noch immer eine nicht erfüllte Forderung der Linken ist. In DE geht die Bandbreite der Qualität je nach Region/Stadtteil extrem auseinander.
„Hupen Sie, wenn Sie bewaffnet sind!“ (R.A.W)
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
36Wenn ich an meine Schulzeit denke... Dann war ich echt schlecht. Hab nie die HA gemacht und oft gefehlt, meistens den ganzen Tag nur am Rechner gesessen und programmiert, aber auch nix schulbezogenes sondern Unixgeschichten, ich wollte immer ein Hacker werden. Ich glaubauf lange Sicht war das nicht die schlechteste Entscheidung, jetzt an der Uni merke ich, dass ich viele rechnerbezogene Probleme loesen kann und auch mal eben schnell was zusammenha cken kann, was irgendwo funktioniert, und viele andere koennen das nicht. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit, das Schulsystem noch liberaler zu gestalten und etwas mehr in die Richtung anything goes zu gestalten. Vielleicht bis zur 5-6. Klasse Lesen und Schreiben als Pflicht, dann Fremdsprachen als Wahlpflicht und darueber hinaus dem Schueler mehr Freiheiten geben, damit sie sich selbst aussuchen koennen was sie wichtig finden. Natuerlich fuehrt das zu starken Fachidioten, aber in unserer arbeitsteiligen Welt ist das doch auch vollkommen angebracht.
Ganztagsschulen finde ich auch nicht schlecht. Mehr noch als der Lernaspekt finde ich den sozialen Aspekt der Schule wichtig, denn Schule soll in meinen Augen integrieren und den Schuelern ein Gefuehl von Gleichheit und Akzeptanz vermitteln, und bei Ganztagsschulen finde ich das viel einfacher. Das wuerde auch die Unterschiede zwischen Wohlhabenden und aermeren Kindern dezimieren, weil sie so dichter zueinander rutschen. In meinen Augen zumindest.
Ganztagsschulen finde ich auch nicht schlecht. Mehr noch als der Lernaspekt finde ich den sozialen Aspekt der Schule wichtig, denn Schule soll in meinen Augen integrieren und den Schuelern ein Gefuehl von Gleichheit und Akzeptanz vermitteln, und bei Ganztagsschulen finde ich das viel einfacher. Das wuerde auch die Unterschiede zwischen Wohlhabenden und aermeren Kindern dezimieren, weil sie so dichter zueinander rutschen. In meinen Augen zumindest.
"if we are able to give priority to the meditation then all else will eventually fall into place on its own accord"
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
Habe von einer Studie gehört, wonach der IQ bei Kindern rapide absinkt *nachdem* sie in die Schule gesteckt werden.
Das betrifft v.a. Dingen die Kreativität.
Und ebendies "reingesteckt werden" mag für einige das Beste sein, was ihnen passieren kann - wenn das private Umfeld für die Entwicklung nicht förderlich ist, dann mag die Schule sozusagen einen sicheren Hafen bieten, ok.
Aber ich denke, dass die meisten Kinder durch die Schule kleingehalten werden und in ihrer geistigen und v.a. spirituellen Entwicklung regelrecht blockiert werden - und zwar mit System.
In einem Fall, den ich als entferntes Familienmitglied beobachten konnte, wurde das Kind regelrecht gebrochen nach der Einschulung. Etwas in ihm ist zerbrochen dadurch. Da ist viel viel weniger Lebensfreude, da werden Verhaltensweisen nachgeahmt, die nicht seine sind, das Kind entfremdet sich von sich selbst, so würde ich es beschreiben. Und sehe mich darin wieder...
Den Aspekt "soziale Kompetenz erlernen" sehe ich auch differenzierter und finde das nach Alter gestaffelte Klassensystem schwachsinnig. Das sieht man im Kindergarten bei gemischten Gruppen noch anders, wo ältere Kinder jüngeren helfend zur Hand gehen. Das ist dann in der Schule doch wohl nicht mehr so, da wird nur noch zum Lehrer aufgeschaut und unter den Gleichaltrigen besteht automatisch eine Art Konkurrenzdenken.
Somit sehe ich Ganztagsschulen auch als Bedrohung für die Entwicklung der Kinder, denn es stellt nichts anderes als einen Freiheitsentzug dar, wenn die jetzt auch noch ihre Nachmittage institutionell beaufsichtigt verbringen sollen
Habe von einer Studie gehört, wonach der IQ bei Kindern rapide absinkt *nachdem* sie in die Schule gesteckt werden.
Das betrifft v.a. Dingen die Kreativität.
Und ebendies "reingesteckt werden" mag für einige das Beste sein, was ihnen passieren kann - wenn das private Umfeld für die Entwicklung nicht förderlich ist, dann mag die Schule sozusagen einen sicheren Hafen bieten, ok.
Aber ich denke, dass die meisten Kinder durch die Schule kleingehalten werden und in ihrer geistigen und v.a. spirituellen Entwicklung regelrecht blockiert werden - und zwar mit System.
In einem Fall, den ich als entferntes Familienmitglied beobachten konnte, wurde das Kind regelrecht gebrochen nach der Einschulung. Etwas in ihm ist zerbrochen dadurch. Da ist viel viel weniger Lebensfreude, da werden Verhaltensweisen nachgeahmt, die nicht seine sind, das Kind entfremdet sich von sich selbst, so würde ich es beschreiben. Und sehe mich darin wieder...
Den Aspekt "soziale Kompetenz erlernen" sehe ich auch differenzierter und finde das nach Alter gestaffelte Klassensystem schwachsinnig. Das sieht man im Kindergarten bei gemischten Gruppen noch anders, wo ältere Kinder jüngeren helfend zur Hand gehen. Das ist dann in der Schule doch wohl nicht mehr so, da wird nur noch zum Lehrer aufgeschaut und unter den Gleichaltrigen besteht automatisch eine Art Konkurrenzdenken.
Somit sehe ich Ganztagsschulen auch als Bedrohung für die Entwicklung der Kinder, denn es stellt nichts anderes als einen Freiheitsentzug dar, wenn die jetzt auch noch ihre Nachmittage institutionell beaufsichtigt verbringen sollen
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
38Würde homeschooling auch für meine Kinder bevorzugen bzw. halte ich inzwischen sehr wenig von unserem Schulsystem, u.a. zerstört es die Kreativität, ja.
Hier einer meiner Lieblings-TED-Talks zum Thema Homeschooling aus Sicht eines "Betroffenen":
Oder auch sehr interessant und es schlägt in die gleiche Kerbe, dass Schule im besten Falle überflüssig ist (u.U. ein wenig überspitzt, aber tendenziell...): Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching:
Sir Ken Robinson ist imho auch ein großer Visionär bzgl. new ways of education:
Do schools kill creativity? -
Bring on the learning revolution! -
Hier einer meiner Lieblings-TED-Talks zum Thema Homeschooling aus Sicht eines "Betroffenen":
Oder auch sehr interessant und es schlägt in die gleiche Kerbe, dass Schule im besten Falle überflüssig ist (u.U. ein wenig überspitzt, aber tendenziell...): Sugata Mitra's new experiments in self-teaching:
Sir Ken Robinson ist imho auch ein großer Visionär bzgl. new ways of education:
Do schools kill creativity? -
Bring on the learning revolution! -
happiness is the absence of resistance
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
39~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
Buchtipp zum Thema:
FUTURZWEI Zukunftsalmanach 2015/16
Buchtipp zum Thema:
FUTURZWEI Zukunftsalmanach 2015/16 ... 3596030491Alternativlos? Gibt es nicht. Der zweite FUTURZWEI-Zukunftsalmanach erzählt in 83 Geschichten von gelebten Gegenentwürfen zur Leitkultur des Wachstums und der Verschwendung. Das Schwerpunktthema ist Material – es geht um Rohstoffgewinnung und Güterproduktion, um Hyperkonsum und Abfall. Der Blick richtet sich auf das Politische und wie immer ins FUTURZWEI: Werden wir für ein Weniger an Stoff, Konsum und Ungerechtigkeit bereit gewesen sein? Fünf Schriftsteller erzählen, wie in naher Zukunft mit Rohstoffen und Konsumprodukten umgegangen werden könnte. ... salmanach/Die Nachhaltigkeits- und Klimaschutzbewegung hat keine Geschichte zu erzählen. Sie hat lediglich zu sagen, dass alles sofort anders werden muss, damit es bleibt, wie es ist. Da es aber ohnehin ist, wie es ist, bliebt solche Rhetorik völlig wirkungslos. Es ist daher nötig, eine neue Zukunft über uns selbst zu erzählen. Und darüber, wie wir in Zukunft leben wollen.
Mit dieser Einleitung stimmt Harald Welzer in wenigen Worten auf die Thematik dieses Buches ein. Obwohl Wachstumskritik in den letzten Jahren verstärkt diskutiert wird, fühlen sich viele Leute nicht selbst davon nicht betroffen. Doch "Wir können eh nichts tun" ist ein Argument, das der Autor nicht zulässt. Im Gegenteil, er will beweisen, dass der Mensch sehr wohl die Möglichkeit hat etwas zu ändern und dabei an Freude und Lebensqualität gewinnen kann.
Nach einem einführenden Essay, welche die heutigen Probleme des Konsums, Klimawandel, Peak Oil, sowie die Grenzen des Wachstums zusammenfasst, beginnt der Hauptteil des Buches.
Geschichten des Gelingens
Diese 72 Geschichten handeln von Menschen, welche mit ihren Projekten heute schon vorleben, wie man anders wirtschaften und leben kann. Dabei handelt es sich einerseits um Bürgerinitiativen, aber auch um Start Ups und Kommunalverwaltungen.
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
41Habe ich seit 2013 abonniert: Rob Greenfield.
Im Original-Text (in der Überschrift verlinkt) sind viele Links versteckt.
From Drunk Dude to Dude Making a Difference
Not that long ago, my main priorities included binge drinking every weekend, looking good, and macking on pretty much every good looking girl I saw. I also wanted to be rich and to own lots of really impressive things. I was pretty tuned into that life and didn’t really think too much about how my actions affected the environment, people around the world, and the animals that we share the earth with. I was pretty selfish and if I did think about my actions I certainly didn’t do much about it. I did recycle, shut off the lights and water, and eat healthier than the average person I knew and I thought that was doing pretty good. But the list of negative environmental impacts was far greater than my positive impacts (which was nearly nonexistent). I owned two cars, shopped at Walmart for my food and my cheap crap, drank the cheapest beer I could find, took home my share of plastic bags, wasted plenty of water, ate too much meat, needed the newest gadgets always, and the list could go on and on. Not that any of these things are inherently bad but they definitely were not deeply serving myself or the earth.
Then reality hit in 2011. I became educated. I decided to act on that education.
I gave up on restrictive social norms and stigmas and embarked down a path of living for the benefit of the earth, my community, and myself. Here I share with you the timeline of my last four years of transformation from an environmental and social nuisance into being of benefit to the environment and society. I share this to give a real life example of transformation and to show you that no matter where you are today, you can lead a much more earth friendly lifestyle if you choose to. Most of the items on the timeline represent simple changes that you, or anyone, can take but remember that every life is unique and this is not designed for you to follow exactly. However, most of the things in here can be adapted into your life if you truly desire for them to.
For me it was all about taking it one step at a time and continuing that from week to week, month to month, and year to year. When I started this transformation I would have had a really hard time believing that I’d get to where I am today. The only way that I’ve made it here is by taking it gradually, setting little goals, and building on the momentum and excitement of each success. Then making those things habit. It wasn’t always easy but it has been extremely rewarding and fun. I am happier and healthier than ever before but most of all I am living with so much more purpose. I’m no longer causing reckless destruction to the earth, to innocent lives, or to my own life and that is a huge sigh of relief and really has me jumping for joy. I’m proud of it all and know that it has come by taking responsibility for my actions. I am proud that I know how my actions affect the world, both near and far. I am proud to be of benefit to the earth and society.
Here is my timeline. May it serve you well.
2005-2009 Went to UW-La Crosse for Biology but focused on beer, women, and fun mostly. I also traveled the country and the world quite a bit, worked really hard during the summers, and developed substantially as a human. I was driven to be successful and was, but I left the environment on the wayside and thought mostly about myself. I wanted to be a millionaire.
01/2010 – 05/2010 Traveled around the world and gained an appreciation for how diverse and immense the world is and a desire to protect it.
10/2010 Left my homeland of Wisconsin indefinitely
01/2011 Moved to San Diego, California where I met more open minded people
09/2011 Started The Greenfield Group and joined One Percent for the Planet
11/2011 Started to focus on holistic practices to better my personal health at the influence of my new friends
11/2011 Started to get into sustainability and began to pay attention to things like trash, resource consumption, and growing food. I started to learn about how my actions affect the earth, other people, and animals from documentaries and books.
02/2012 Decided to take action on what I learned and began a transformation into a healthier, more natural lifestyle and refused to make bad influences on earth. There was no moment of clarity or significant occurrence, just a realization through education that my simple daily actions were causing a lot of destruction to the earth, to fellow humans both near and far, and to the creatures that I share the earth with.
Got rid of all body care items with unnatural ingredients and switched to natural alternatives for the few products I continued using such as toothpaste and soap
Got rid of chemical cleaning products, plastic items, and the microwave and switched to natural cleaning products
Switched to a mostly whole food, unprocessed, vegetarian diet and reduced my meat intake drastically or nearly completely
Stopped using one time use anything’s like paper towels, tin foil, and plastic bags
Greatly reduced my alcohol intake
03/2012 Pulled my money out of investments that had any involvement in businesses that do harm to the environment. Started to question whether I wanted to pursue making lots of money and paying taxes that contribute to war.
05/2012 Sold my car, bought a bike, and started using car2go electric car share program. By getting rid of my car I found that my consumerism became much more responsible. It was no longer as easy to go out and buy crap and I no longer had a trunk to put the crap in. I started purchasing less stuff, shopping local, and supporting ethical businesses.
06/2012 Inspired greatly by One Percent for the Planet I began using business as a means to help improve the world around me. I began transforming my business so that every aspect was a part of the solution, not the problem. Projects I started included a community bike program, trash cleanups, and energy efficient light bulb exchanges. Around this time is when I really started to find purpose in giving back to others.
06/2012 Got a vasectomy so that I could dedicate my time on Earth to the masses, rather than raising my own child and also to set an example of a man taking responsibility for birth control. (I know this one is extreme. This was a very personal decision and is not something I’m out advocating for others to do. I do highly advocate being responsible and taking having a child very, very seriously though.)
07/2012 Took my first long distance cycling trip and during that trip furthered my Earth friendly diet by:
Going zero waste, namely not buying any packaged food.
Eating local food.
Eating mostly organic food. This meant absolutely no GMO’s.
In the past, I had thought eating this way was too expensive but by this point I had absorbed enough knowledge to realize that it’s actually more expensive to eat packaged convenient foods.
08/2012 Was really starting to surprise myself doing things that I never thought I could. My body was in prime physical condition simply by having fun in the outdoors, living naturally, and getting around by bicycle (not by going to the gym). Time after time found myself doing things I never knew I could do before.
09/2012 Learned that I could run barefoot pretty well when I ran an impromptu 10k barefoot at a pace of 7 minutes per mile.
10/2012 Started composting and vermiculture
10/2012 Started growing some of my own food
10/2012 Started to make foods from scratch that I would normally buy
10/2012 Started to make things I would normally buy and learn how to be more self sufficient
10/2012 Started to eat vegan at least five days per week
11/2012 Embarked on my first money less adventure and flew one way to Cabo. This was the beginning of experiencing that I could live on much less money than I had thought.
01/2013 Officially changed my life title to adventurer and started a website for $100.
04/2013 Embarked on my first major environmental adventure, Off the Grid Across America. I cycled 4,700 miles across America practicing sustainable living to the extreme.
This meant:
Using electricity generated by solar panels.
Creating near zero trash and carrying whatever I created for the entire journey.
Using water directly from natural sources or water that is going to waste.
Eating locally produced, organic, and unpackaged foods or dumpster diving.
Using human generated power and avoiding fossil fuels completely.
I managed to use just 160 gallons of water, create a mere 2 pounds of trash, plug into only 5 outlets, not turn on a single light switch and consume 280 pounds of food from grocery store dumpsters.
I also gave up weed, alcohol, and swearing for the summer and have held to it except for occasional drinks. (I do strongly support the responsible use of marijuana but it doesn’t serve me personally.)
09/2013 Got rid of the garbage can in my house because I was no longer creating much trash
09/2013 Started to grow my own food for the first time
09/2013 Parted ways with my last business slacks and tie
11/2013 Moved into a 6×6 closet in my own home to live rent free. Got rid of nearly half of my personal possessions.
11/2013 Left my phone at home for Thanksgiving. This was my first time leaving my phone off and at home while in my own town (not camping, in Mexico, etc.). I had realized how addicted I was to my phone.
12/2013 Spent a week on the streets to learn about homelessness and gain perspective. Read Gandhi biography and was heavily influenced.
01/2014 Embarked on first major international travel without possessions or money. More than ever lost interest in money.
04/2014 Finished a year without showering.
05/2014 Finally put water efficient shower heads and faucets and LED bulbs in my house. I had overlooked this and thought it was too expensive in the past. I was wrong about that.
06/2014 Cycled across America again, this time to spread goodness.
Canceled my last credit card.
Paid off my last debt.
Got my bills down to only my cellphone which was $60/ month.
08/2014 Drew major attention to food waste by hosting Food Waste Fiasco’s across America and eating solely from grocery store dumpsters for two months.
08/2014 Traveled moneyless in the USA for the first time.
10/2014 Took my money out of the big banks and switched to a local credit union.
11/2014 Got rid of most of my possessions. Down to about 6 boxes, my bike, and a bike trailer.
11/2014 Moved out of my apartment to live home free. Got a PO box
01/2015 Canceled my cellphone bill, the last bill to my name.
01/2015 Retrospectively offset the carbon emissions from every flight I’ve ever taken and committed to a rigorous standard for future flights.
01/2015 Moved into a 50 square foot tiny home that I purchased for $950. I’m living off the grid in the city. I use solar panels for my electricity, use only a few gallons of water per day, have a compost toilet, create almost zero waste and am living very simply at my little urban homestead.
01/2015 Committed to donating 90% of all the money I make off media to nonprofits. This includes my TV show and my book, Dude Making a Difference.
04/2015 Over the prior years I had been running a successful business and had saved up a fair amount of money. I donated all but $15,000 to good causes and committed to earning no more than $15,000 per year or owning more than $15,000 in possessions and $15,000 in assets. This is to keep my focus away from money now and in the future and to keep my focus on the beauties of life that are freely available to us all. See my vows here.
It’s been a wonderful life so far and the last four years of transformation have absolutely been the most meaningful years of all. At this point I feel like I have made most of the changes necessary to live for the benefit of the earth, my community and myself. However, each day I gain more knowledge and with that will be taking even more responsibility for my life. I encourage you to follow your dreams but at the same time live for the benefit all.
08/2015 With more simplification of my life I have dwindled my total net worth down to under $15,000.
01/2016 Auctioned off my tiny house after living in it for a year and raised $10,000 to build 10 tiny houses for people living on the streets in San Diego. Each house will cost about $1,000 to build and a tiny house community is in the works.
03/2016 Simplified my life down to just 111 possessions, all of which fit in my backpack. I left San Diego, my home for the last five years, with the intentions to travel my country and the world in the service of others.
04/2016 Earned my Permaculture Design Certificate in Guatemala and greatly expanded my ability to help others live environmentally friendly and be self sufficient.
06/2016 Closed my bank account to decrease my involvement with money even further.
07/2016 Decreased my net worth down to just $3,600.
07/2016 Furthered my commitment to living simply and my dedication to living in the service of humanity and Earth. I vowed to donate 100% of my media income to nonprofits, to make no more than $5,000 per year to have no more $5,000 in possessions and $5,000 in money. See my updated vows.
Im Original-Text (in der Überschrift verlinkt) sind viele Links versteckt.
From Drunk Dude to Dude Making a Difference
Not that long ago, my main priorities included binge drinking every weekend, looking good, and macking on pretty much every good looking girl I saw. I also wanted to be rich and to own lots of really impressive things. I was pretty tuned into that life and didn’t really think too much about how my actions affected the environment, people around the world, and the animals that we share the earth with. I was pretty selfish and if I did think about my actions I certainly didn’t do much about it. I did recycle, shut off the lights and water, and eat healthier than the average person I knew and I thought that was doing pretty good. But the list of negative environmental impacts was far greater than my positive impacts (which was nearly nonexistent). I owned two cars, shopped at Walmart for my food and my cheap crap, drank the cheapest beer I could find, took home my share of plastic bags, wasted plenty of water, ate too much meat, needed the newest gadgets always, and the list could go on and on. Not that any of these things are inherently bad but they definitely were not deeply serving myself or the earth.
Then reality hit in 2011. I became educated. I decided to act on that education.
I gave up on restrictive social norms and stigmas and embarked down a path of living for the benefit of the earth, my community, and myself. Here I share with you the timeline of my last four years of transformation from an environmental and social nuisance into being of benefit to the environment and society. I share this to give a real life example of transformation and to show you that no matter where you are today, you can lead a much more earth friendly lifestyle if you choose to. Most of the items on the timeline represent simple changes that you, or anyone, can take but remember that every life is unique and this is not designed for you to follow exactly. However, most of the things in here can be adapted into your life if you truly desire for them to.
For me it was all about taking it one step at a time and continuing that from week to week, month to month, and year to year. When I started this transformation I would have had a really hard time believing that I’d get to where I am today. The only way that I’ve made it here is by taking it gradually, setting little goals, and building on the momentum and excitement of each success. Then making those things habit. It wasn’t always easy but it has been extremely rewarding and fun. I am happier and healthier than ever before but most of all I am living with so much more purpose. I’m no longer causing reckless destruction to the earth, to innocent lives, or to my own life and that is a huge sigh of relief and really has me jumping for joy. I’m proud of it all and know that it has come by taking responsibility for my actions. I am proud that I know how my actions affect the world, both near and far. I am proud to be of benefit to the earth and society.
Here is my timeline. May it serve you well.
2005-2009 Went to UW-La Crosse for Biology but focused on beer, women, and fun mostly. I also traveled the country and the world quite a bit, worked really hard during the summers, and developed substantially as a human. I was driven to be successful and was, but I left the environment on the wayside and thought mostly about myself. I wanted to be a millionaire.
01/2010 – 05/2010 Traveled around the world and gained an appreciation for how diverse and immense the world is and a desire to protect it.
10/2010 Left my homeland of Wisconsin indefinitely
01/2011 Moved to San Diego, California where I met more open minded people
09/2011 Started The Greenfield Group and joined One Percent for the Planet
11/2011 Started to focus on holistic practices to better my personal health at the influence of my new friends
11/2011 Started to get into sustainability and began to pay attention to things like trash, resource consumption, and growing food. I started to learn about how my actions affect the earth, other people, and animals from documentaries and books.
02/2012 Decided to take action on what I learned and began a transformation into a healthier, more natural lifestyle and refused to make bad influences on earth. There was no moment of clarity or significant occurrence, just a realization through education that my simple daily actions were causing a lot of destruction to the earth, to fellow humans both near and far, and to the creatures that I share the earth with.
Got rid of all body care items with unnatural ingredients and switched to natural alternatives for the few products I continued using such as toothpaste and soap
Got rid of chemical cleaning products, plastic items, and the microwave and switched to natural cleaning products
Switched to a mostly whole food, unprocessed, vegetarian diet and reduced my meat intake drastically or nearly completely
Stopped using one time use anything’s like paper towels, tin foil, and plastic bags
Greatly reduced my alcohol intake
03/2012 Pulled my money out of investments that had any involvement in businesses that do harm to the environment. Started to question whether I wanted to pursue making lots of money and paying taxes that contribute to war.
05/2012 Sold my car, bought a bike, and started using car2go electric car share program. By getting rid of my car I found that my consumerism became much more responsible. It was no longer as easy to go out and buy crap and I no longer had a trunk to put the crap in. I started purchasing less stuff, shopping local, and supporting ethical businesses.
06/2012 Inspired greatly by One Percent for the Planet I began using business as a means to help improve the world around me. I began transforming my business so that every aspect was a part of the solution, not the problem. Projects I started included a community bike program, trash cleanups, and energy efficient light bulb exchanges. Around this time is when I really started to find purpose in giving back to others.
06/2012 Got a vasectomy so that I could dedicate my time on Earth to the masses, rather than raising my own child and also to set an example of a man taking responsibility for birth control. (I know this one is extreme. This was a very personal decision and is not something I’m out advocating for others to do. I do highly advocate being responsible and taking having a child very, very seriously though.)
07/2012 Took my first long distance cycling trip and during that trip furthered my Earth friendly diet by:
Going zero waste, namely not buying any packaged food.
Eating local food.
Eating mostly organic food. This meant absolutely no GMO’s.
In the past, I had thought eating this way was too expensive but by this point I had absorbed enough knowledge to realize that it’s actually more expensive to eat packaged convenient foods.
08/2012 Was really starting to surprise myself doing things that I never thought I could. My body was in prime physical condition simply by having fun in the outdoors, living naturally, and getting around by bicycle (not by going to the gym). Time after time found myself doing things I never knew I could do before.
09/2012 Learned that I could run barefoot pretty well when I ran an impromptu 10k barefoot at a pace of 7 minutes per mile.
10/2012 Started composting and vermiculture
10/2012 Started growing some of my own food
10/2012 Started to make foods from scratch that I would normally buy
10/2012 Started to make things I would normally buy and learn how to be more self sufficient
10/2012 Started to eat vegan at least five days per week
11/2012 Embarked on my first money less adventure and flew one way to Cabo. This was the beginning of experiencing that I could live on much less money than I had thought.
01/2013 Officially changed my life title to adventurer and started a website for $100.
04/2013 Embarked on my first major environmental adventure, Off the Grid Across America. I cycled 4,700 miles across America practicing sustainable living to the extreme.
This meant:
Using electricity generated by solar panels.
Creating near zero trash and carrying whatever I created for the entire journey.
Using water directly from natural sources or water that is going to waste.
Eating locally produced, organic, and unpackaged foods or dumpster diving.
Using human generated power and avoiding fossil fuels completely.
I managed to use just 160 gallons of water, create a mere 2 pounds of trash, plug into only 5 outlets, not turn on a single light switch and consume 280 pounds of food from grocery store dumpsters.
I also gave up weed, alcohol, and swearing for the summer and have held to it except for occasional drinks. (I do strongly support the responsible use of marijuana but it doesn’t serve me personally.)
09/2013 Got rid of the garbage can in my house because I was no longer creating much trash
09/2013 Started to grow my own food for the first time
09/2013 Parted ways with my last business slacks and tie
11/2013 Moved into a 6×6 closet in my own home to live rent free. Got rid of nearly half of my personal possessions.
11/2013 Left my phone at home for Thanksgiving. This was my first time leaving my phone off and at home while in my own town (not camping, in Mexico, etc.). I had realized how addicted I was to my phone.
12/2013 Spent a week on the streets to learn about homelessness and gain perspective. Read Gandhi biography and was heavily influenced.
01/2014 Embarked on first major international travel without possessions or money. More than ever lost interest in money.
04/2014 Finished a year without showering.
05/2014 Finally put water efficient shower heads and faucets and LED bulbs in my house. I had overlooked this and thought it was too expensive in the past. I was wrong about that.
06/2014 Cycled across America again, this time to spread goodness.
Canceled my last credit card.
Paid off my last debt.
Got my bills down to only my cellphone which was $60/ month.
08/2014 Drew major attention to food waste by hosting Food Waste Fiasco’s across America and eating solely from grocery store dumpsters for two months.
08/2014 Traveled moneyless in the USA for the first time.
10/2014 Took my money out of the big banks and switched to a local credit union.
11/2014 Got rid of most of my possessions. Down to about 6 boxes, my bike, and a bike trailer.
11/2014 Moved out of my apartment to live home free. Got a PO box
01/2015 Canceled my cellphone bill, the last bill to my name.
01/2015 Retrospectively offset the carbon emissions from every flight I’ve ever taken and committed to a rigorous standard for future flights.
01/2015 Moved into a 50 square foot tiny home that I purchased for $950. I’m living off the grid in the city. I use solar panels for my electricity, use only a few gallons of water per day, have a compost toilet, create almost zero waste and am living very simply at my little urban homestead.
01/2015 Committed to donating 90% of all the money I make off media to nonprofits. This includes my TV show and my book, Dude Making a Difference.
04/2015 Over the prior years I had been running a successful business and had saved up a fair amount of money. I donated all but $15,000 to good causes and committed to earning no more than $15,000 per year or owning more than $15,000 in possessions and $15,000 in assets. This is to keep my focus away from money now and in the future and to keep my focus on the beauties of life that are freely available to us all. See my vows here.
It’s been a wonderful life so far and the last four years of transformation have absolutely been the most meaningful years of all. At this point I feel like I have made most of the changes necessary to live for the benefit of the earth, my community and myself. However, each day I gain more knowledge and with that will be taking even more responsibility for my life. I encourage you to follow your dreams but at the same time live for the benefit all.
08/2015 With more simplification of my life I have dwindled my total net worth down to under $15,000.
01/2016 Auctioned off my tiny house after living in it for a year and raised $10,000 to build 10 tiny houses for people living on the streets in San Diego. Each house will cost about $1,000 to build and a tiny house community is in the works.
03/2016 Simplified my life down to just 111 possessions, all of which fit in my backpack. I left San Diego, my home for the last five years, with the intentions to travel my country and the world in the service of others.
04/2016 Earned my Permaculture Design Certificate in Guatemala and greatly expanded my ability to help others live environmentally friendly and be self sufficient.
06/2016 Closed my bank account to decrease my involvement with money even further.
07/2016 Decreased my net worth down to just $3,600.
07/2016 Furthered my commitment to living simply and my dedication to living in the service of humanity and Earth. I vowed to donate 100% of my media income to nonprofits, to make no more than $5,000 per year to have no more $5,000 in possessions and $5,000 in money. See my updated vows.
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
42Respekt für diesen Dude
“You have to die a few times before you can really live.”
― Charles Bukowski
― Charles Bukowski
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
43Interessanterweise habe ich - als das Thema auf Umwelt undso kam eben - ihn als Beispiel in einer RL-Runde gebracht.
Ich *skizziere kurz seinen Lebenslauf*
X: "Das kann man aber nur machen, wenn man alleine ist."
Ich: "Soweit ich weiß, hat er eine Partnerin."
X: "Kinder?"
Ich: "Nee. Vasektomie."
X: "Ah, also keine Hoffnung."
Ich: "Oder eine Entscheidung getroffen und infolge dessen Verantwortung übernommen."
Am besten redet man dann doch über die neuesten Globuli und Krankheiten.
Ich *skizziere kurz seinen Lebenslauf*
X: "Das kann man aber nur machen, wenn man alleine ist."
Ich: "Soweit ich weiß, hat er eine Partnerin."
X: "Kinder?"
Ich: "Nee. Vasektomie."
X: "Ah, also keine Hoffnung."
Ich: "Oder eine Entscheidung getroffen und infolge dessen Verantwortung übernommen."
Am besten redet man dann doch über die neuesten Globuli und Krankheiten.
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
44«Solange Wohlstand mit mehr Ressourcenverbrauch einhergeht, ist mehr Wohlstand für alle nicht mit den begrenzten Ressourcen unseres Planeten vereinbar. Das geht nur, wenn in den aufstrebenden Ländern ein anderer Wohlstand gesucht wird und wenn auch wir unseren Lebensstandard so anpassen, dass er mit viel weniger Ressourcen beibehalten werden kann. Entweder wir finden alle unsere Wege zu diesem Ziel, oder der Kampf um die verbleibenden Ressourcen wird sich verstärken.»
Das Dilemma des Gartens Eden: ... ocial_Post
Das Dilemma des Gartens Eden: ... ocial_Post
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
Re: Anders leben (Sammelthread)
45Re: Leben ohne Konsum ... ne-konsum/
Zweieinhalb Stunden von Lyon entfernt wollen Benjamin Lesage und seine Freunde ein alternatives Lebensmodell entwerfen, jenseits der kapitalistischen Überflussgesellschaft. Eotopia heißt ihr Projekt, ein ökologisches und ökonomisches Experiment, die Utopie einer besseren Welt. Doch wie realistisch ist diese Utopie?
Online bis 21.4., 30 min. ... ne-konsum/
Zweieinhalb Stunden von Lyon entfernt wollen Benjamin Lesage und seine Freunde ein alternatives Lebensmodell entwerfen, jenseits der kapitalistischen Überflussgesellschaft. Eotopia heißt ihr Projekt, ein ökologisches und ökonomisches Experiment, die Utopie einer besseren Welt. Doch wie realistisch ist diese Utopie?
Online bis 21.4., 30 min.
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~