Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

“For me, compassion is the most important factor in our lives. It is the first step. If we take this first step courageously, without fear, then all of our decisions and subsequent actions and their results will have a special beauty, spontaneity and power. Human calculations may be wrong, but actions born of true compassion can never be wrong because compassion is the law of nature, the power of God, the heart of creation. If we tune the individual mind with compassion, then we, as individuals, are no longer really performing actions, but are merely allowing creation to act through us. And this is the power of compassion. In truth, the spiritual path both begins and ends with compassion.”
Amma in a “Conversation on Compassion” with Dr. James Doty at Stanford University on June 2, 2014. Read more:

:herzen: :herzen: :herzen:
Zuletzt geändert von Sonntagskind am 7. Juni 2014, 08:58, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need.


We only feel dehumanized when we get trapped in the derogatory images of other people or thoughts of wrongness about ourselves.


When our communication supports compassionate giving and receiving, happiness replaces violence and grieving.


Everything we do is in service of our needs. When this one concept is applied to our view of others, we'll see that we have no real enemies, that what others do to us is the best possible thing they know to do to get their needs met.


All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished.


The kind of spirituality I value is one in which you get great joy out of contributing to life, not just sitting and meditating, although meditation is certainly valuable. But from the meditation, from the resulting consciousness, I would like to see people in action creating the world that they want to live in.

Marshall B. Rosenberg
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

"I have always loved observing and watching weather patterns. When I was in grade school I wanted to grow up to be a trained meteorologist. A little odd isn’t it?

In teaching shamanism and sharing spiritual practices I encourage people to spend time outside and learn about the changing cycles in the seasons and in the weather. We really should not have to rely on the news to know what the weather will be. In reality nature shares all the “news” and signs with us.

At the same on a human/egoic/personality level I find myself watching a lot of weather predictions on the news. I often compare what meteorologists predict next to my own predictions that I make by watching signs.

And for any of us who watch weather broadcasts it has become clear over the last few years that the weather is becoming more and more unpredictable. I find this very interesting!

I live in Santa Fe and parts of New Mexico are experiencing drought conditions. When meteorologists started predicting an El Niño pattern for the summer and winter we all became very excited here. For an El Niño pattern, produced by warming temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, means good chances for rain in the summer and fall and snow in the winter.

But in watching weather newscasts in the last few days meteorologists are wavering on the initial prediction of a strong to moderate El Niño.

So today I decided to google the predictions and look at what national scientists were saying. And the issue is the conditions that go into creating an El Niño pattern are changing on a daily basis. And this is surprising and confusing scientists.

I am not writing this to give you the weather report for New Mexico. This issue speaks to me on a grander level.

For as humans we often take comfort in being able to predict events so that we can feel prepared. Thinking we know what the future will bring leads to a false sense of security. Even if we know challenges are ahead we feel we can prepare ourselves on some level.

For in truth life is about change. And we must learn how to cooperate with change and stop resisting change. This is hard for many of us humans to do.

I strongly believe that the changes in climate we have been been experiencing are mirroring back to us how imbalanced the collective energies have become and also the disharmony of our times. For as I have written for years now our external world reflects back to us our inner state of consciousness.

Nature right now is saying that she is unpredictable. We cannot control Nature. Nature is Intelligent. And Nature is not going to let us sink into a false sense of security by being predictable.

It is important to do our personal work to shift our consciousness. Every change in consciousness we make does ripple through the entire web of life. We need to find inner peace, harmony, and balance.

And we need to give up trying to predict outer events. It is crucial to learn how to stay in the present moment and wake up each day knowing we have the tools needed to face whatever life brings to us.

Nature will always communicate with us if we open up our hearts and minds we can hear the messages. We can watch for the signs that Nature continues to give us on a daily basis. We can feel the changes “ in our bones”.

And as we honor and respect the elements – earth, air, water, and the sun – which sustain us Nature will honor us in return. This is a key shamanic teaching of the nature of reciprocity."

Sandra Ingerman (25.6.2014)
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
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~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

Wunderschöner Text, wieder von Sandra Ingerman; die Worte sind aus ihrem newsletter, in dem noch viel mehr steht und den ich hiermit verlinke.


"The end of May I woke up in the middle of the night. I was in some altered and self-aware state that I cannot explain. I was in between the worlds. I was not asleep, yet I was not awake. This state only lasted for probably one minute. In this waking dream I became completely aware of the meaning of my life.

What was of the most importance to me was that I had the opportunity to see beautiful places and landscapes on the earth. I had the wonderful opportunity to actually visit some beautiful places in my travels. And due to the media I was able to see photos and videos of extraordinary places on earth that I could not physically travel to. I was aware that I did not have this opportunity to see so many colorful landscapes and such variety of unique life forms in any of my past lives. For in the far distant past there was not the ability to view photos that had been taken from around the world.

Being able to see the extraordinary beauty of the earth was what had the most meaning to me.

Second to that was that I experienced love.

And lastly having the opportunity to take care of both of my parents at the end of their life created deep meaning in my life.

Once I received the awareness of these three things that gave my life meaning I fell back into a deep sleep for the rest of the night and had some interesting dreams.
I was deeply effected by this experience upon awakening. For this was no ordinary experience of waking up in the middle of night and thinking about things on a rational intellectual level. I was in a very deep spiritual state when I had this awareness, and I felt it in every cell of my body.

It was like when I had my near death experiences where I experienced spontaneous and profound spiritual truths and a new level of consciousness that sank into my cellular awareness creating deep inner change.

After waking up I reflected on what I received in the middle of the night. I was surprised that my work of service did not come up as something that gave my life meaning. Of course I know and acknowledge the gifts I have shared with my clients, students, and the collective at large. But on a deep level this is not what was revealed to me as what gave my life meaning.

I have been with so many people at the end of their lives. And I hear the same thing again and again. People often reflect on what they gave priority to in life. I often hear people speak about the simple things of life that they felt were the most important to them. I rarely hear the obvious “good work” as what was reflected on at the end of life. And I don’t hear people saying I wish I worked more or harder.

This goes back to what I brought up in the June Transmutation News about “tearing up the script”.

During such an intense time of change are we focusing on what is important to our soul rather than what we think we should be doing?

I know many teachers suggest that we examine our lives as if we are looking back on it at the end of our life. It is important to reflect on how you would reprioritize your life so you can make changes now.

This month journey or meditate on the simple things that make your life meaningful. How would you change your life to make sure you engage in activities that are truly meaningful to you?

The other teaching that I received in this clear and heightened state was the importance of focusing on self-beauty. For I feel that I was also being shown how the beauty of different landscapes on the earth reflect back my inner beauty. In my work with others I am often struck by how little we acknowledge our self-beauty. As a collective we define ourselves by the collective definition of outer beauty. And we forget to allow the beauty of our soul to unfold like a flower blossoming in the spring and summer.

As we continue to radiate our divine light we must also acknowledge the deep and true beauty that lies within each of us. We are as beautiful within as the earth reflects back to us with the beauty of nature surrounding us in the outer world."

~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.

Charlie Chaplin in a letter to his daughter, Geraldine


Tut euren Kindern einen Gefallen und betet ihnen diesen (verinnerlichten) Satz in der Pubertät vor.
Ungefähr 1000 Mal.
~~ courage ~ compassion ~ connection ~~
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ vulnerability ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Γνῶθι σεαυτόν ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Re: Philosophische Sprüche/Texte

“We have sacrificed the old immaterial gods, and now we are occupying the temple of the Market-God. He organizes our economy, our politics, our habits, our lives, and even provides us with rates and credit cards and gives us the appearance of happiness.

“It seems that we have been born only to consume and to consume, and when we can no longer consume, we have a feeling of frustration, and we suffer from poverty, and we are auto-marginalized.”
I’m not the poorest president. The poorest is the one who needs a lot to live. My lifestyle is a consequence of my wounds. I’m the son of my history. There have been years when I would have been happy just to have a mattress.”
“We can almost recycle everything now. If we lived within our means, by being prudent, the 7 billion people in the world could have everything they needed. Global politics should be moving in that direction. But we think as people and countries, not as a species.” (Source)
Uruguay’s humble president, Jose Mujica ... ening.html

happiness is the absence of resistance

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