Der Wein der Weisheit

Ich hatte aus meheren quellen gehört, das es möglich ist mithilfe von acetaldehyd und lsa, lsh zu bilden. Lsh (Lysergsäurehydroxyethylamid) währe der nächste bekannte Verwante des LSDs. Mir ist auch schoma aufgefallen, das reinen LSA Bei weiten net so knallt wie gute Hawaiianische Holzrose.
Um ein bischen praxis in die graue Theorie zu bringen, hab ich vor paar Wochen
10 potente Samen in Portwein eingelegt und für ne Woche drin gelassen. Der Wein stand dann noch paar weitere Wochen im Kühlschrank. Hier der Trip.

Ich habe den Wein mit nen Freund geteilt. Der schöne Geschmack des Portweins war estma total versaut. Dafür lies die Wirkung nicht lange auf sich warten. Halbe Stunde nach der Einnahme spürten wir beide die ersten Acid Wellen. Meinem Mittripper ist leicht übel, was aber nur einige Minuten anhält.
Unsere gesammte Wahrnehmung wurde immer schärfer und wir redeten über Gott und die Welt. Die Optix werden immer stärker. Man sieht mehr Details und die Details bilden ein geometrisches Muster. Selbst der Rauch besteht aus Perserteppichmuster. Die Wirkung dieses Weines ist von uns beiden schlecht
von der wirkung richtigen Acids zu unterscheiden. Es ist ein wenig körperlicher.
Irgentwie hatte es auch was Pilzmässiges. Kosmisch aber Erd gebunden.
Wir gehen noch ein wenig spazieren. Der Himmel sieht aus wie ein Mosaik.
Wir waren sehr fit und stimuliert. Wir gehen nach mir und rauchen noch einen, bis mein Freund nach hause geht. Die Wirkung wurde schwächer und hielt noch 3-4 stunden an.
Obwohl die Kerne auch schon vorher potent waren, war unser Eindruckt das der psychedelische Effekt der Samen durch diese Prozedur noch gesteigert wurde. Obwohl ich in unserer Gegend kein Problem mit der Beschaffung von richtigen Acid haben, bin ich sehr angetan von der Materie. Eine sehr klare schöne psychedelische Erfahrung, die von jedem mit einfachen Mitteln erreicht
werden kann.
Es gibt keinen entgültigen Beweis dafür das die Reaktion würklich stattfindet.
Es wird drüber gestritten. Dert Moderator eines Chemieforum hält es durchaus für wahrscheinlich. Irgentetwas scheint aber auf jedem fall mit den Wirkstoffen zu passieren.
Ich hab erstma zu Ask DR Shulgin geschrieben. Ma schauen was der Ehrenwehrte Herr dazu meint.

Re: Der Wein der Weisheit

Danke für den Bericht. Im Bereich der LSA zu LSH Konvertierung braucht es noch mehr Erfahrungswerte. Was ich aus der Lektüre entnehmen konnte, funktioniert die Reaktion mit Formaldehyd haltigen Getränken, aber wohl besonders gut mit eiskaltem Pfefferminztee. Es wird spekuliert, das der Tee neben dem Formaldehyd noch andere Substanzen enthält welche die Reaktion fördern, die aber wohl dennoch nicht immer stattfindet. Wichtig ist es wohl auch, das Getränk schnell zu trinken, da LSH sehr instabil ist.

Re: Der Wein der Weisheit

Danke für den Bericht
Kykeon hat geschrieben:Mir ist auch schoma aufgefallen, das reinen LSA Bei weiten net so knallt wie gute Hawaiianische Holzrose.
Würde dich das zu der Annahme bringen, dass in Holzrosensamen auch das genannte LSH enthalten ist ?
Kykeon hat geschrieben:Eine sehr klare schöne psychedelische Erfahrung,
Das ist etwas was ich an LSA-haltigen Samen sehr schätze ! Sie sind weniger sinnlich, wirbelnd als Acid aber sehr geistig und öffnend. Hatte vor nicht allzu langer Zeit einen Trip damit, der mich sehr, sehr positiv überrascht hat. :herzen:
Kykeon hat geschrieben:Irgentwie hatte es auch was Pilzmässiges. Kosmisch aber Erd gebunden.
Ich meine auch etwas festgestellt zu haben, etwas sehr altes, was diesen Samen eigen ist.


Take pain as a game.

Re: Der Wein der Weisheit

Kykeon hat geschrieben:
"Mir ist auch schoma aufgefallen, das reinen LSA Bei weiten net so knallt wie gute Hawaiianische Holzrose."

Mao hat gefragt:
"Würde dich das zu der Annahme bringen, dass in Holzrosensamen auch das genannte LSH enthalten ist?"

Das halte ich für sehr wahrscheinlich. Ich konnte mit reinen Lsa bei Dosierungen
von bis zu 1000 mikrogramm nicht solche Effekte erziehlen konnte wie mit guten Samen bei Dosen von nur 5 Stück. Frische Samen wirken Acid lastiger als reines Lsa. Bei reinen Lsa hatte ich immer sehr wenig oevs, dafür sehr Acid-typische cevs. Das körperfeeling ist gedämpfter. Emotionen verhalten. Ein wenig matt, aber ohne schlafen zu können.
Bei guten Samen bin ich stimuliert wie auf Acid. Je frischer desto fitter desto optiklastiger.
Habe auch eben 5 Samen gegessen, die gut knallen, aber softer als der Portwein.

Ginko fragt ob ich wirkungen auf die Bronchien hatte.

Ja hatte ich, aber erträglich bei der Dosis. Hatte ich bei reinen lsa weitaus softer. Bei den Bronchien keine Wirkung bei Lsa.

Zu der Pfefferminzteemethode will ich anmerken: Habs nicht getestet, aber neben den Acetaldehyd ist auch ein leicht saures umfeld nötig, welches mit Zitronensäure geschaffen werden kann.
Wein hat von sich aus schon einen niedriegen Ph Wert. Aber nicht nur das.
Weinsäure! Das Lsh wird wenn es entsteht in ein stabiles Tantrat Salz umgewandelt. Wein hat das perfekte chemische Umfeld.
Deswegen halte ich die Wein-Methode für die geeignetere.

Re: Der Wein der Weisheit

Jo hatte ich auch schon ma gelesen.
Hier noch nen Bericht von K. A. Cole aus ihrem Buch Lyergic.
Info am Rande
Sie war auch mit nem Chemiker zusammen, der mit William Pickart soviel Lsd hergestellt hatte um die Welt damit versorgen zu können. Leider war ihr Freund auch gleichzeitig Informant der dea. Als die dea das labor hochgenommen hatten, haben sie Grundstoffe gefunden um 45 kg!!! LSD herzustellen.
Die verfügbarkeit für Acid ging danach um 90% zurück.

Der Bericht handelt über einen Mutterkornwein mit Claviceps Paspali, welcher 10 Jahre gelagert wurde.


Todd knelt down, holding an ornately decorated gold chalice. A magnificent piece to behold, exquisite. It pulsated with energy, spirituality. "Sherom Teleqot Masecot," he began his prayers in ancient Chaldean, and then moved on to a higher prayer. "Ebatone Neahmeh Nohhoaayow..." the language of the gods. Reverent peacefulness engulfed him as the words came forth. He turned to face me and drank several large gulps. Then bowed his head in silence as he passed me the chalice.

"What is it?" I was totally caught by surprise; we had not planned on tripping for awhile. Things had been far too crazy lately.

"It's ancient wine. Just try a sip."

"I don't know..." I didn't want to have a repeat of my DMT experience. My mind wasn't as prepared as it should be prior to a journey. Also, I had never seen him this spiritual before a trip. He never prayed or used a chalice any other time. Usually he would non-ceremonially weigh out the doses on his lab scale, and then simply pass them out. No ceremony, no prayers. Why the sudden change?

"Just try a small sip. It is time for you to be initiated into the order, you're ready. But I would kneel and say a prayer first if I was you. This one must be taken very seriously." His head bowed slightly but he still kept eye contact.

I was curious so I knelt down, even though my instincts were telling me not to. What order? The brotherhood maybe? And what was in the chalice? It couldn't really be ancient wine, could it? I examined the liquid; it looked and smelled just like red wine. Why not? I cautiously drank a small sip. It was thinner than normal wine and had a woody taste. The most interesting part was the way it tingled as it went down. A warming sensation filled my throat and stomach. "Okay I drank some, now what is it?"

"It's Ergot wine." He smiled slyly, knowing he had gotten one over on me.

"ERGOT WINE! Oh my God!" I was in shock. "Ergot can kill people. I wouldn't have taken it if I would have known what it was. It's St. Anthony's fire! It can make you lose body parts if you touch it! Oh, my God!" My head was spinning. How could he have not warned me?

"I knew you would react like this, that's why I just told you to drink it. You get so afraid sometimes. There is no need to be; you are safe." A slight giggle escaped from his lungs.

"Are you sure it's safe? Where did you get it?" My heart was racing.

"I made it when I was younger. I did an alcohol wash of the ergot fungus with the wine. Then I corked the bottles up and stored them. The ergot fungus will feed on the sugars in the wine, giving it the woody taste. I let them age for about ten years. It is best to wait a little longer, but I felt it was an appropriate time to open one anyway. Every year it ages, it will become a little less potent and easier to control the dose."

"How do you know what a safe dose is?" I was skeptical.

"Ergot is a fungus and a precursor for LSD. Ergot is interesting because we really don't know what happens to the alkaloid concentration over time. It moves around, changes. So the dose is guesswork."

"Isn't Ergot what Socrates used to take at Eleusis?" I thought it was kind of cool to be taking something that the founders of our democracy used to take, but that our current democracy has made illegal.

"Yes, except for he did a water infusion of the ergot, instead of alcohol."

"I can feel it already." I took a deep breathe but couldn't ease my anxiety. "My chest feels tight and my heart is racing." My heart had never beaten that fast. "My hands feel like they're going numb. Are you sure I am going to be okay?" As I lay back onto the floor, to relax my chest became tighter, heavy. I started coughing and gasping for air. Time passed, I don't know how much.

"Here take a Valium. You will be alright, just breath sweety." He handed me the pill. Then picked up the chalice again and kneeled down beside me. He took several large gulps. After it was empty, he turned it upside down to show me that there was*n't any left. "See it's safe. You only drank a sip! Look how much I took!"

"But you can handle a lot more than me; you are three times my size!" I weighed about 110 pounds and stood about 5'8".

Todd on the other hand was a giant at 6'5", weighing somewhere around 275 pounds.

"Come on, let's go lay down on the bed where it is more comfortable." He reached down and grabbed my hand, helping me up off the floor.

The visuals were really starting to kick in now. They were thick and heavy like my breathe. Dark colors, red, purple, and blue. They overtook me; I could no long see my hand when I held it up in front of my face. A different world existed inside of me. A liquid oceanic playground for the mind. Would I come back from this space? Spiraling thoughts that made no sense. Fear of the unknown. Would I be okay?

My chest still felt heavy but I sat upright which seemed to make it a little better. My heart started to throb slightly. Every few breathes, I felt a sharp twinge along with the throb. Was the ergot causing the chest pain or was I? Was I having an anxiety attack? How could I tell the difference between a real pain and one that I manifested with my mind?

Instinctually, I started to chant my calming mantra, "Telelelelah-luu Letetwah," over and over again. I rocked with the words. "Telelelelah-luu Letetwah." I held my hands up, palms facing each other in prayer. The L's rolled off my tongue and took on new depth. They sounded like the echo of a thou*sand birds flapping their wings in the air. The mantra held me and kept me safe, like when a mother holds a child. I was going home to safe territory.

I began to sing songs from my soul, rooted deep within the divine. The songs carried me away with them, teaching me about the universe. At one point I saw the double-helixes of DNA swirling out of my mouth along with the words. Language gave birth to being. That's how I interpreted it anyway. Time was dilating. How long had I been floating on the breath of the universe:

Todd came into the room as I was floating back. "Oh, don't stop sweety. It's beautiful."

I was unsure about singing in front of him, so I backed off a bit. I chanted for a while, trying not to make a fool out of myself. I had to sound like a crazed lunatic, singing gibberish! Every now and then I would look over at him trying to gauge his reaction. He was sitting up, facing me, and getting very into it. His reaction was similar to Half-pints reaction. They were actually enjoying it! When I would stop he would look up disappointed, and think 'start again or 'keep going'. This went on for a while as time slowed.

I started to see holographic symbols, floating in a circle around Todd's head. I had never seen symbols before in a trip. They were translucent almost like glass. Empty space had taken on a form. They constantly rotated, allowing me to see all of their sides. A few of them looked like symbols from the zodiac. Others looked like Sanskrit, or Arabic. Some I have nothing to compare them to. Where did they come from? What did they mean?

Events started to become circular. "I feel like am singing, seeing, and going to the same places over and over again."

"Oh, you're stuck in the loop! It will just keep going, and eventually you'll come out of it." He lay back and closed his eyes.

Around and around I went, time was a circle.

Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again.

Finally I popped out the other side. It felt like eons had passed. I lay down beside Todd, cuddling up close to him. He and I were one, one body, one mind. We no longer needed to speak; linguistic devices were a hindrance to us now. We knew each others thoughts as we thought them. We could feel the depth of each other's love. It is an incredible gift from the universe to feel existence with no boundaries or doubts. One soul, at home once again.

We felt as if we knew everything, all the knowledge of the universe was at our fingertips. We were at the top of the cosmos, the simultaneous beginning and end, the eternal godhead. We could see in all directions at once.

My future and past were connected to my dreams. I started having unusual dreams around the age of eight. These dreams would reveal a sequence of events in my future. They were easy to distinguish from normal dreams because they had a different texture. More real. However, I never could tell when in the future they would occur. It could be in one month or two years. Whenever the event sequence did happen though, it felt like a deshavoo. I could see now that this phenomenon was me remembering who I am. Me remembering who and what we all are, divine co-creators.

Then the loop happened again. Around and around and around I went. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again. Over and over and over again.

Again I came out the other side. This little voice in the back of my head, kept saying "your heart isn't beating right." It was strange. I felt as if my heart would sort of stop and I would roll out, far out into the ocean of the divine. Then I would feel/hear a loud bang and it would start beating again, really fast this time. I would in turn surf back in on the same wave that took me out. This whole sensation happened several times. I rolled in and out with the waves of universal consciousness.

It turns out that Todd actually was beating on my chest. But he didn't tell me about it until I came down. I guess my heart really was stopping, or at least slowing down! I think this is the closest I have ever been to death. There was safety in death, total security. Death is nothing more than a shift of cosmic life energy. Fear filled me and then I would let go, sort of release myself to it. My new/old form, God, overtook me. Love and happiness held me tight. It is almost like a caterpillar hatching out of its cocoon and turning into a butterfly.

"Here sweety, chew this up. It's another Valium. Your heart is beating way to fast. You need to calm down. Try to take deep breathes."

"Okay." I couldn't really talk; I was too high. I tried to breath, deep and slow. It seemed to help a little. I was afraid of overdosing. "It feels like my heart is stopping."

"You're okay, just breath. And drink some of this juice to keep your blood sugar up." He handed me a glass and watched to make sure I didn't drop it.

I drank some of the juice and cuddled up next to him again. How long had we been tripping for? I felt like I was ancient, floating on the cosmic time/space folds. Time and space are illusions, only here for our amusement. At the base of all being we are all one evolving consciousness. And we are all incarnations of that same self-reflecting divinity.

Out of all my journeys, ergot was my most difficult. Conversely, it was my most productive and therefore my best. I had had experiences before that seemed like near death. This time I really felt like I died. When Todd was pounding on my chest, it really felt like my heart was stopping. Despite the fear that it aroused in me, it brought me a sense of calmness. I know what death feels like! It isn't bad at all!

The chalice and prayers peeked my curiousity. Why had he done it this time and no others? What was the meaning of it all? He was so careful with his words, his humble demeanor, and even how he held the chalice as he drank. I had seen communion in church before and knew symbolically this is what he had meant by it all.

Re: Der Wein der Weisheit

mein erster Beitrag hier :) deswegen hallo an alle!
ich beschäftige mich auch mal wieder mit den ergotalkaloiden - befreundete italienurlauber sind mit claviceps paspali beaufragt worden(ich glaub aber nicht dran).
der text von dieser k. cole klingt interessant - kannte den namen gar nicht, bis ich sah, dass sie die frau von neurosoup auf youtube ist. ich halte bezüglich LSH sherry beziehungsweise süßen wein (vielleicht retsina) für ideal - allein wegen dem ambiente, dazu kommt natürlich ausreichend acetaldehyd, nierdriger ph usw. keine ahnung warum die amerikaner vor allem auf minzöl zurückgreifen (vielleicht unter 21? :D )
ich werde auf jeden fall berichten...

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